Available Installment Options

Buy Now Pay Later Services

6, 9, 12 months installment plans with ValU

Split your Payment up to 5 payments

Bank Installment

up to 12 months installment plans using your CIB covered cards.

up to 12 months installment plans using your NBE covered cards.

up to 12 months installment plans using your MASHREQ covered cards.

up to 12 months installment plans using your Banque du Caire covered cards.

up to 12 months installment plans using your ALEX BANK covered cards.

up to 12 months installment plans using your BANQUE MISR covered cards.

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1,225 EGP
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9,540 EGP
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447 EGP
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266 EGP
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11,390 EGP
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18,800 EGP
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17,810 EGP
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12,915 EGP
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1,900 EGP
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3,010 EGP
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4,050 EGP
34,960 EGP
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7,250 EGP
1+ shoppers have bought this
1,685 EGP
1+ shoppers have bought this
4,675 EGP
17,550 EGP
3,180 EGP
7,010 EGP
4+ shoppers have bought this
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1,710 EGP
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3,315 EGP
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950 EGP
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935 EGP
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5,750 EGP
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