Available Installment Options

Buy Now Pay Later Services

6, 9, 12 months installment plans with ValU

Split your Payment up to 5 payments

Bank Installment

up to 12 months installment plans using your CIB covered cards.

up to 12 months installment plans using your NBE covered cards.

up to 12 months installment plans using your MASHREQ covered cards.

up to 12 months installment plans using your Banque du Caire covered cards.

up to 12 months installment plans using your ALEX BANK covered cards.

up to 12 months installment plans using your BANQUE MISR covered cards.

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9+ shoppers have bought this
4,450 EGP
3,140 EGP
3+ shoppers have bought this
1,777 EGP
865 EGP
21+ shoppers have bought this
1,020 EGP
11,060 EGP
1092+ shoppers have bought this
2,070 EGP
2+ shoppers have bought this
2,450 EGP
4+ shoppers have bought this
4,910 EGP
1+ shoppers have bought this
10,370 EGP
21,760 EGP
7+ shoppers have bought this
4,060 EGP
2,150 EGP
3,200 EGP
1+ shoppers have bought this
14,880 EGP
3+ shoppers have bought this
9,220 EGP
680 EGP
12,380 EGP
2,195 EGP
1+ shoppers have bought this
3,195 EGP
7+ shoppers have bought this
2,360 EGP
1+ shoppers have bought this
12,300 EGP
7+ shoppers have bought this
3,700 EGP
8+ shoppers have bought this
6,010 EGP
1+ shoppers have bought this
28,665 EGP
7,755 EGP
1,550 EGP
4+ shoppers have bought this
1,540 EGP
2,150 EGP
14,300 EGP
1+ shoppers have bought this
5,220 EGP
3+ shoppers have bought this
2+ shoppers have bought this
2+ shoppers have bought this
6,350 EGP
2,540 EGP
1+ shoppers have bought this
6,156 EGP
18+ shoppers have bought this
3,200 EGP
1,085 EGP
1,540 EGP
1,410 EGP
2,300 EGP
2,575 EGP
1,620 EGP
121+ shoppers have bought this
740 EGP
21,360 EGP
17,850 EGP
3+ shoppers have bought this
3+ shoppers have bought this
3,676 EGP
21+ shoppers have bought this
21+ shoppers have bought this
1,200 EGP
19,930 EGP
10+ shoppers have bought this
3,120 EGP
1+ shoppers have bought this
6,690 EGP
20,860 EGP
5+ shoppers have bought this
1,950 EGP
14,450 EGP
12,870 EGP
24,930 EGP
13,310 EGP
3+ shoppers have bought this
2,575 EGP
4,700 EGP
22,920 EGP
2,650 EGP
1+ shoppers have bought this
4,000 EGP
84+ shoppers have bought this
17,689 EGP
27+ shoppers have bought this
14,230 EGP
12,200 EGP
12,990 EGP
2,210 EGP
9+ shoppers have bought this
12+ shoppers have bought this
1,170 EGP
34+ shoppers have bought this
10,200 EGP
16+ shoppers have bought this
4+ shoppers have bought this
3,690 EGP
28+ shoppers have bought this
3,710 EGP
11,700 EGP