Terms and Conditions
These are the general terms and conditions which apply to your purchase of goods from FURVIVEĀ through our website “www.furvive.com”:
FURVIVE online shop, when we talk about FURVIVE in these terms and conditions we refer to it by using (the pronoun āweā, and its derivatives). When we use (the pronoun āyouā and its derivatives), we mean a user shopping from FURVIVE and buying its products.
To agree on these general terms and conditions means your approval and your commitment to the return policy, which are all part of a legally binding contract between us and you.
You must read these general terms and conditions and return policy carefully before buying anything from FURVIVE Online shop.
We reserve the right to change the general terms and conditions and return policy at any time.
Any changes in terms and conditions will apply on all new orders after posting the changes on FURVIVE Online shop. You should review the general terms and conditions and return policy posted on FURVIVE Shop Online page before each request.
If you have any questions concerning these general terms and conditions, return policy, cancellation policy, products, or āFURVIVE Online shopā, please contact us and talk to one of our representatives at āFURVIVE Online shopā on this number: 01122223762
Information about āFURVIVE Online shopā and our products
Using our website (even without buying any of our products) means your approval and commitment to these terms and conditions.
We strive to insure the accuracy and validity of all information contained on FURVIVE website, including product descriptionsā and prices contained, at all times.
However, errors may occur. We shall try to correct all errors and information on FURVIVE website ASAP, if we find that this error has any impact on your order we shall try to inform you.
You should keep in mind that FURVIVE Online shopĀ provides a different shopping experience than buying from the physical store. You have to be aware of:
Our services
We sell FURVIVE products and services, for FURVIVE products, through our online website www.FURVIVE.com only or through our online resellers for example Jumia.com or noon.com
The colors of products shown on the website depend on many factors ā including display settings used on the site; products shape and sizes. It may appear different in reality than on the screen.
We provide dimensions and measurements with the descriptions of products; it is your responsibility to ensure that the actual size of each product fits your purpose.
Photos on the website are for illustration purposes only; in order to obtain an accurate description of any product and its details you should read the product description listed.
All products
All products depend on their availability in stock, which means the inability to meet your order in case of its absence. Products shown for sale are prone to be stopped from sale either online or in stores at any time. It is our responsibility, in such cases, to pay you back any amount you have paid for products you did not receive;
Promotion offers and products
Promotion offers and products on FURVIVE website may not be available in other resellers and vice versa.
Our product prices on our website are the same as those listed in our catalog and in our stores. Sometimes, you may find a difference in price, when there are different promotions in other stores or on our website.
Validity of information
FURVIVE assumes the validity of the information provided by the customer; the customer in return is held responsible for the accuracy of his personal information and data required to complete the purchase. The customer assumes responsibility in case he provides any incorrect information. FURVIVE Egypt shall not be responsible if otherwise happens.
We shall do our best to have our website free from any viruses; you have to make sure to use the appropriate programs and software for detecting viruses and any other malicious content online on your computer or smartphone.
Be cautious!! You may encounter many pseudo-FURVIVE websites, which may seem similar to the official website and claim to sell our products. FURVIVE is not responsible for any fraud or fraudulent attempts by other websites. The official Egypt FURVIVE website is: www.FURVIVE.com
Available Services
We have the right at any time to modify, stop selling, stop services, sell any of our products, or stop online shopping temporarily or permanently, with or without prior notice. In case our service stops after payment, we shall refund you, in accordance with the return policy- refund.
It is your responsibility to ensure the confidentiality of your login and password, and all other data related to your account at all times. You agree to notify us as soon as you know about any suspected or presence of any risk to the security